Chilenismo words-puuucha!=awesome, chuuucha!=great or awesome, buena onda=good time
On going until 2pm. Almuerzo. 3:15pm we walked back to the hostel to get our passports
Group took individual Passport pictures chilean style (like a mug shot). Walked to the building of the Chilean Ministry of Eduation .
4pm at MINEDUC to fill out our Temporary Residence Visas.
Homework til late.
Agenda: Health & Safety, 2010 travel manual, emergency plan skits by four teams, teaching for disabilities. Travel Form very important (it is not being nosy).
Core activities revolved around skits due to safety issues because of aftermath of earthquake.
Part II-there is no ESE concept in Chile, there is inclusion. Class size is about 40 to 50 students!
On going until 2pm. Almuerzo. 3:15pm we walked back to the hostel to get our passports
Group took individual Passport pictures chilean style (like a mug shot). Walked to the building of the Chilean Ministry of Eduation .
4pm at MINEDUC to fill out our Temporary Residence Visas.
Walked back to the hostel lounge for Spanish Class. Our class was very interesting learning about the roots of the chilenismos. Chilean spanish has influences from Quechua, Mapudungun and Castillian languages. Very interesting.
Quechua words-chalas=sandals, callampas=mushrooms, guagua=baby, chasquilla=hair bangs, taita=dad
Mapuche origin words-pololo=boyfriend, pilucho=naked, pichi=need to urinate
Spanish humor word Condorito, garabatos=profanity,
Homework til late.
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